Making Space for Ministry
You are positioned for a valuable ministry impact. Not just in the work you do planning your Walk event, or designing that beautiful Fundraising Dinner invitation, but something else as well. When I first started working with a nonprofit organization, I fell prey to a common misconception. The misconception was that my only job was to make the ministry my coworkers were doing possible. I mean, I wasn't a nurse or mentor - facilitating administration and fundraising were my primary responsibilities! I was busy working behind the scenes and planning events. My interactions with our organization's clients were minimal. But I began to learn that I had a great opportunity to serve "in ministry" after all. Just a different kind of ministry. Although I wasn't serving our clients directly, I had a very valuable field of ministry DIRECTLY in front of me!As an Event Coordinator, your primary ministry and sphere of influence may not be your non-profit's target clientele... but make no mistake, you have influence. You have a ministry! And it involves people.
Redefining Ministry
I firmly believe that, as the Event Coordinator, you aren't there only to help bring in funds to make the ministry happen. Which, incidentally, is very valuable. But, you are also there to be the hands and feet of Jesus to whomever crosses your path. When I approached my work with this perspective, it was transformational. I remember one day about ten minutes before closing, a sweet donor showed up with questions about her P2P fundraising page. She ended up staying over an hour, eventually sharing with me her tear-filled story of choosing adoption for her baby over twenty years ago. Wow. It was a privilege to hear her story, and to be trusted with a very tender, still painful part of her life. It is a beautiful honor to share in someone's story. I experienced similar conversations and subsequent friendships over and over again! Some of my greatest ministry opportunities came from relationships with donors, volunteers and even other staff members. Oftentimes, those who get involved with the ministry you serve in have a very personal reason for doing so.
Make Space
Know that you have a valuable ministry which may not be identified in the traditional mission of the organization. Every person that crosses your path is an opportunity for ministry! Whatever you do must be bathed inside the larger goal of God's kingdom mission. I encourage you to not overlook each individual you interact with in your role! This includes, volunteers, donors, your co-workers, the t-shirt vendor, city officials when getting permits, or even when you are seeking event sponsors!
The next time you encounter a donor or volunteer, start with simply making intentional space for them to tell their story. Ask them WHY they care about your organization. Love and honor them freely! This is the heart of the gospel. Remember your impact goes far beyond planning a great event.
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We hope this encourages you not only to excel at the valuable task of planning events, but also to help you flourish in ministry within your role at your nonprofit! Event Coordinator, Client Advocate or Mentor... regardless of the job title, loving and serving everyone we come in contact with is a Kingdom-centered goal!
If you have any thoughts or stories to share, we’d love to hear from you! Feel free to message us @FundEasy on Instagram or Facebook or email us at
Amanda Rappe
Photo by Chiara Pinna on Unsplash
This article was inspired by our customers and written to encourage your fundraising efforts. Although we work with ministries and events daily, our team members are not Event Consultants. We encourage you to consult with your event consultant, executive team, and/or affiliate organization before making any major changes to your events.