Sending More Personalized Emails

Using the Power of Variables for more Impact

Sending emails within FundEasy is super easy. However, did you know there is a way to personalize each email with variables? Variables make communicating with your attendees so much easier as it pulls data from within your event into your emails — such as the information input on the Registration form, Event Details, and statistics from FundEasy Pages.

With our latest update, we released several new variables for FundEasy events that you can now include in your email communications:

  • %FundEasyPageLink% → Specific FundEasy page link for the Fundraiser

  • %FundEasyGoal% → Fundraisers specific goal for their FundEasy page

  • %F_FundEasyDeadline% → Fundraisers deadline for their FundEasy page

  • %FundEasyTotalHits% → Fundraisers total hits on their FundEasy page

  • %FundEasyTotalViews% → Fundraisers total views on their FundEasy page

  • %FundEasyUpdatesWritten% → Total number of updates published

  • %FundEasyPageRank% → FundEasy page rank of a Fundraiser (1, 2, 3, etc)

  • %ChildAmountDueTotal% → Total sponsor amounts a Fundraiser has raised (this includes paid & unpaid sponsorships).

  • %ChildAmountPaidTotal% → Total donor amounts that have been paid

  • %ChildCountTotal% → Total number of donors for a Fundraiser

  • More transaction fields

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The new FundEasy Page Variables allow for more personalized emails.

We also added the following variables for Attendance events:

  • %MealChoice% → Meal Choice selected for each guest

  • %MealDietaryRestrictions% → Dietary restrictions collected during registration for each guest

  • More transaction fields

These variables allow you to personalize your emails while simply utilizing all the information within your event. It reduces the risk for error while keeping a professional feel.

In addition to the above variables, we’ve also added all the Custom Fields that are created on your registration form. This gives you additional abilities you’ve never had before. For example, you might create a custom variable for collecting a “Shirt Size” on your registration form. You could confirm the shirt sizes with your guests before ordering. This does two things:

  1. It gives you another point of contact with your participants. Engagement is key for both organizations and walkers.

  2. It gives your participants the ability to contact you if an error was made, saving you time before the event.

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Custom Field Variables now include T-Shirt Sizes so you can confirm sizes with participants.

Our hope is that you utilize these variables to save you time and make your efforts more efficient.


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Jason Galicinski, Beta Team Lead, Founder & CTO


Little Words, Huge Impact


Updates to Event Statistics!